Monday, January 5, 2009

Just blame Scientology...

So-called video PROOF of Jett's autism. The far away stare, being led around by the hand, the slack jaw...

Just blame Scientology: That seems to be the easiest action for mediocre minds to take. Every other comment I see on YouTube about the untimely death of Jett Travolta cites Scientology as a cult that forces parents to keep their kids sick by denying them medicine. I'm no Scientologist or Christian for that matter, but that just sounds way out there to me. Jett was actually on a very powerful anti-seizure drug called Depakote(Check out the side-effects). So no one can say that his parents denied him medication because of their "cult".

The grand mal seizures Jett suffered were "frequent and extremely serious." Travolta's lawyers, Michael Ossi and Michael McDermott, tell us "each seizure was like a death," with Jett losing consciousness and convulsing. Jett had been having seizures on an average of every four days, until he started taking Depakote. Ossi and McDermott say the drug initially worked, reducing the frequency to approximately once every three weeks.

Jett took Depakote for "several years," but it eventually lost its effectiveness, according to Ossi and McDermott. They say the Travoltas were concerned about possible physical damage. And, Jett went back to having around one seizure a week. So Travolta and Preston, after consulting neurosurgeons, stopped administering the drug. No one is suggesting withdrawal of the medicine in any way caused the fatal episode.


  1. Could I please add two more paragraphs to your post?

    Anti-seizure drugs loosing their effectiveness actually after a while is actually to be expected and for teens in their puberty, in fact rather unavoidable. The standard procedure in this case is to switch the cocktail of drugs. Although this may take some extensive trial and error, an effective combination is found in most cases.

    Of course their may have been a sound medical reason why the Travolta's did not follow this standard operating procedure. But how likely is it that they followed Scientology doctrine which states that people should be taken off anti-seizure drugs and that if a doctor protests this, he is speaking 'gobbledygook'. Unless sources close to the Travolta's speak up, such as John's brother Joey who apparently had been a long critic of Jett's medical treatment, we are unlikely ever to find out for sure.

  2. The speculation is out of control...
