Monday, August 31, 2009

Wolfman (6 words or less) This flick comes out November 6th, 2009

Benecio Del Toro fucking rocks!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Inglorious Basterd (in 6 or less) I haven't seen this yet by the way.

Everyone's down to watch Hitler die.

District 9 (in 6 or Less)

Perfect blend of Realism and Effects.

My new Movie reviews !! A man of FEW (6 to be exact) words...

Alright so I will be reviewing movies NEW & OLD on this site using 6 words or fewer. Maybe I'll change that to 3 words or fewer at a later date. But as of today its 6 or less. This should be interesting.

So no matter how good or bad I feel about a piece of cinema I can write no more that 6 words to describe it. Deal? Deal. It would be nice if people would comment with their own 6 or less words but I know I'm asking alot. No one will probably ever even read Oh well. Here we go.

Oh I forgot to mention that I will be reviewing these movies whether I've seen them yet or not.. but I WILL let you know whether I've seen the film or not--- I will also post another 6 or LESS review AFTER I actually see the movie.