A few points about this photo:
1. Barack revealed several years ago that he experimented with drugs as a youth and yes he DID inhale. Unlike certain other lying ass Presidents we know of whose best known for such utterances as "I didn't inhale" and "I did not have sex with that woman" and maybe "Put me on Arsenio Hall and all black people will vote for me."
2. Where are the photos of George W. snorting coke? He was notorious for it! I know they're out there.
3. This is a cool ass photo. Wow, I am impressed with the uber coolness of someone who is also able to seek public office and NOT seem like a complete SQUARE. Show me more politicians who can chill like this.
4. I wonder what Michelle's weed pic looks like?
5. This photo was not disclosed by accident. The far right is doing their best to instill a sort of "buyer's remorse" in the American public after electing this Nation's 1st African American President. This one may have back-fired cause everybody I know who supported Barack & Michelle are happier after seeing this photo..lol.
6. This guys Biopic is gonna be one helluva ride--can't wait.
I swear, this man gets sexier every time I see him! When was the last time anyone was ever likely to say such a thing about anyone in Washington?! Probably not the most profound thing to say about the USA President-elect who just happens to be our first Black president, but what can I say. Given his presence, charisma, and ability to read, use correct grammar and vocabulary, I must say that it's much easier to lay scrutiny to the side and just see the human side of him. Yes, he's as human as the rest of us, but given the special nature of our outgoing leader of the past 8 years, I think you can see what I'm trying to say. Anyhow, I've never smoked weed a day in my life, but looking at this picture, I'm reconsidering. Perhaps it might inspire me to do great things, too. On a more serious note, I'm more than pleased with the candid attitude of our president. It'll be nice to have some honesty in the White House for a change. Well, let me say more specifically, some honesty paired with articulation. In any event, I don't think that most people will care, or SHOULD, that this man has gotten blown before (take that anyway you like). I'm pretty sure that all of them have at some point (take that anyway that rationale leads you because I'm sure not all of them have). I have no judgment. More so, I'm happier that the majority that voted him in seems to harbor none either...at least that didn't on election. I guess we'll hear what everyone really thinks when that Biopic comes out!