This blog is my take on many subjects concerning celebrities, fame, movies, and hollywood in general. I will mostly present sober flights back to reality without pessimism, positivity without blind belief, and commentaries on the wild stuff I see here that you might not witness any other place on earth. PLUS Movie Reviews in 6 WORDS OR LESS !!!!!!
Alright so I will be reviewing movies NEW & OLD on this site using 6 words or fewer. Maybe I'll change that to 3 words or fewer at a later date. But as of today its 6 or less. This should be interesting.
So no matter how good or bad I feel about a piece of cinema I can write no more that 6 words to describe it. Deal? Deal. It would be nice if people would comment with their own 6 or less words but I know I'm asking alot. No one will probably ever even read Oh well. Here we go.
Oh I forgot to mention that I will be reviewing these movies whether I've seen them yet or not.. but I WILL let you know whether I've seen the film or not--- I will also post another 6 or LESS review AFTER I actually see the movie.
he thing I'm most impressed with is the fact that The Wrestler looks to have been made for very little money. I even read that Mickey and the Director Darren Aronofsky had to shop the film for distribution themselves after Post Production.
The film overall is very simple and conservatively directed. Mickey seemingly easily BECOMES this downtrodden character. I think Mickey has felt similarly in the past about himself and his own life. It wasn't too long ago that he was completely off the radar and un-hireable in Hollywood. Then he earned a great role in Sin City that effectively revived his career. Now this AND a Golden Globe! Mickey is back in a huge way. I'm interested to see what his next big role will be.
Oh yeah, Marisa Tomei is 44 with the body of a 24 year old. I was seriously impressed.
California police shoot another unarmed Black man in cold blood--Oscar Grant III (22 years old) on New Year's Eve. You're saying to yourself, "thats nothing new--happens all the time." This is true. The difference is, it happens to be 2009 and EVERYBODY and their momma has Video on their mobile device. Not to mention that Videos from 3 different angles of the shooting were on YouTUBE and around the world in a matter of hours. No way to suppress the footage. There were dozens of witnesses.
Remember that this occurred in California. A white police officer puts his knee to the neck of an unarmed 22 year old who is not resisting and handcuffs him. THEN his partner pulls out his weapon and shoots the kid in the back as he lay FACE DOWN. If this cop is not punished severely the Rodney King Riots in 1992 are gonna look like 2nd grade recess compared to what will happen here in CA.
But this time it won't be race riots. These riots will be against the Police. The riot yesterday in Oakland was Blacks and Whites together protesting peacefully until the cops decided they wanted to start pushing the protesters that were chanting WE ARE ALL OSCAR GRANT.
To be honest, I don't really like Michael Rappaport as an actor all that much. None of his roles after Higher Learning (1995) were of any substance whatsoever. Not saying every role an actor plays must be substantive--but after a his performance in the 1995 classic, I thought he was Oscar bound in the 10 years following the film.
Seriously, Michael turned in such a convincing performance as the awkward, confused, manipulated Neo-Nazi freshman Remy in Higher Learning that upon watching the film lately--I think he deserved some real recognition. But it was only 1995 and the Academy was sadly less apt to recognize a majority Black cast film than they are now. Its a pity because Michael and Omar Epps turned in wonderful performances (Michael more-so).
If you haven't seen this film in 14 years please re-evaluate. And if you haven't seen it at all then make time. A classic. You'll be surprised at what the ensemble cast and superb writing of John Singleton have to offer.
Actor extraordinaire Jeffrey Wright and W. frontman Josh Brolin were tasered and peppersprayed back in march during the filming of the movie W. They were allegedly involved in a BAR FIGHT! It's kind of refreshing since most celebs these days are straight CRACKHEADS or UPSKIRT specialists. The cops still haven't learned that in 2008 (1992 for that matter -- Rodney King) EVERYBODY has a video camera or video phone. You just can't brutalize people in front of everyone and suffer no consequences. Especially if they are famous actors.
So anyways, I hope Jeff, Josh, and the 5 other crew members that got their asses kicked get something out of this. It was just reported by TMZ that all of the charges against Jeffrey and Josh have been dropped. Did you see how they were tasing Jeffrey even after he was handcuffed on the ground?--wow. The lady filming says to the cops "you do know you're being filmed right?" They didn't really appear to care all that much.
So-called video PROOF of Jett's autism. The far away stare, being led around by the hand, the slack jaw...
Just blame Scientology: That seems to be the easiest action for mediocre minds to take. Every other comment I see on YouTube about the untimely death of Jett Travolta cites Scientology as a cult that forces parents to keep their kids sick by denying them medicine. I'm no Scientologist or Christian for that matter, but that just sounds way out there to me. Jett was actually on a very powerful anti-seizure drug called Depakote(Check out the side-effects). So no one can say that his parents denied him medication because of their "cult".
The grand mal seizures Jett suffered were "frequent and extremely serious." Travolta's lawyers, Michael Ossi and Michael McDermott, tell us "each seizure was like a death," with Jett losing consciousness and convulsing. Jett had been having seizures on an average of every four days, until he started taking Depakote. Ossi and McDermott say the drug initially worked, reducing the frequency to approximately once every three weeks.
Jett took Depakote for "several years," but it eventually lost its effectiveness, according to Ossi and McDermott. They say the Travoltas were concerned about possible physical damage. And, Jett went back to having around one seizure a week. So Travolta and Preston, after consulting neurosurgeons, stopped administering the drug. No one is suggesting withdrawal of the medicine in any way caused the fatal episode.
'John Travolta's son Jett Travolta died in the Bahamas, reportedly from a seizure and hitting his head on a bathtub. Travolta has called Jett "my heart" in the past. The family had just arrived in the Bahamas on Tuesday for a New Year's vacation. An autopsy is scheduled for Monday, but foul play is not suspected.
Kelly Preston's sobbed Saturday over grandson Jett Travolta's death. "I am devastated," Carlson told Us through tears. "He was the light of our lives."
John Travolta tried to resuscitate son Jett, say close family friends/Travolta's lawyer who is in the Bahamas with the Travolta family.'
I was once told by a very wise man that the most successful of us all seem to undertake the largest Sacrifices... this is unfortunately another confirmation of that teaching. Dr. Dre's son Andre Young Jr., Bill Cosby's son Ennis Cosby, and countless other huge celebrities seem to lose what is most important to them -- their children.
My heart goes out to all parents that end up outliving their children. I hope that they find the strength to endure such catastrophe.